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The Best Hosting for Drupal: Prices, Analysis and Opinions

Drupal hosting is becoming increasingly important among people who use this CMS. Drupal is an excellent CMS or content management system. The responsible developer was Dries Buytaert, a Belgian student born in 1978.

In addition, Drupal is an open source CMS. Because we all have different needs. Drupal offers you the possibility to create a different and unique site. Besides this, Drupal allows great flexibility and customization. It also offers you the possibility to create web applications with its services. One of the most important points in relation to Drupal is its active community.

Below you will find all the necessary information about Drupal and hosting for this CMS so that you can find the one that is most suitable for you and your web project.

What is Drupal?

Drupal is a CMS or content management system. This means that it offers you ease of creation for your website. From applications to templates for your visual section optimized according to the characteristics of your site.

The Drupal service is free, multi-purpose, modular and highly configurable. Among the possibilities offered by this service are the publication of images, articles, files and many more.

It offers you the possibility of optimizing websites. This last one is for all of you who do not have experience or knowledge about the management and administration of websites. Drupal makes it easy for you to manage your website.

With Drupal you can count on many positive features for your website. From visual creation to more technical and detailed sections. Having a content management system like Drupal will make your work much easier.

For all this you need a hosting to be able to host the website created with the Drupal content manager. It will be the best way to promote your project.

Los hosting para Drupal se están volviendo cada vez más importantes entre las personas que utilizan este CMS

Advantages of Drupal

First of all, it has one of the largest communities in terms of open source. With over 1 million users involved.

Contributing to both Drupal development and technical support.

At the same time, Drupal is a high quality service that offers you guaranteed security.

Important websites use Drupal. The White House website, MTV Uk and Twitter, are some of the most relevant examples.

The world of the web in general is immense. As for CMS and hosting for them is the same.

There are many options available in terms of content management systems for your website and places to host them.

All the Cloud Hosting for your Web

There are thousands of providers worldwide, all of them claim to offer the best hosting service. Hosting Victory gives you a list of web hosting providers that really have an excellent quality.

Top 10 Drupal Hosting

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  • united states English

Our Choice


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Exceptional Quality








Exceptional Quality

Why it is important to choose a good Drupal Hosting

The best hosting on the market offer you certain features that will help you in the evolution of your site. Taking this into account, we will show you 3 points why it is important to choose a good Drupal hosting

1. Improved Web Site Speed

Having a good hosting ensures the correct functionality of your site. You will be able to count on an optimal speed on your website. This assures us of user retention in the short and long term.

Likewise, having a high quality hosting for your website that will be worked with this manager will help you both in the speed and security of it. If this is not the case, you can talk to the technical support and explain your problem.

2. Technical Support

In case you are starting and want to acquire the best services this feature will be very helpful. The best hosting in the market offer an optimized technical support.

They have expert staff in CMS Drupal. Totally at your disposal. In case of failures or simple doubts you can count on this extra help that you will surely need.

3. Drupal Optimized Servers

The fact that your hosting has servers optimized for this manager will help you get the maximum performance from this highly recommended CMS. At all times, of course.

So, this feature will be helpful in case your website has competition in the market you are targeting. Having the best possible quality will help you beat all your website’s rivals.

Hiring a Drupal Hosting: Features to keep in mind

Always, before hiring any service on the network, whether it is hosting, CMS or other services you must be sure of the proper functioning of certain features that we will show you below.

So, each of the features we will show you are very important for the proper functioning of your website. To the point of affecting negatively or positively the development of your site.

cms drupal hosting características

1. Loading speed

On the one hand, the loading speed is an extremely important feature since it is directly related to the quality of your site. If your website has poor loading speed you will never be able to reach its full potential.

The failure of the loading speed affects the evolution of your web project.

In the beginning of the web project the situation will be more critical but in case you already have your site and the speed problems start. The project will be blocked.

2. Server availability

In addition, it is important to have guaranteed server availability. Without this guaranteed feature your project could be down at any time. This is detrimental for obvious reasons.

If your website is not available, no one will be able to visit it. This will delay your web project considerably and even make you lose money.

3. Support Quality

High quality technical support ensures that you get the help you need when you need it. In the world of hosting it is normal to present problems of any kind.

For this reason it is necessary to have good technical support. It is important to have technical support for those who are starting out in the hosting world. As well as for those who already have experience in the subject.

4. Technological Requirements of the Project

Also, it is important to know well the technical requirements of your project. This provides you with the necessary knowledge to make the right decision when contracting any service.

All the latter must be mentioned in relation to your project and what it is destined for. Whether it is a blog, a personal brand page, a business page or any other. All projects have different technical characteristics.

5. Where are your servers located

The exact location of your server on the contracted hosting is very important. Since it is linked both to the speed of load you will have on your site (important feature). Between having a distant server to a nearby one can make the difference.

Prices, Promotions and Payment Methods of a Drupal Hosting

Due to the great amount of providers available in the network there are different prices and promotions in the different hosting, we present you some of the best providers for your Drupal hosting with better quality-price. This is only a guide. Each hosting for this manager will have different prices, promotions and payment methods.

servicios drupal cms


Hostinger is a highly recommended service provider because of the affordable prices and the quality of service you will get with them. Hostinger offers you hosting completely optimized for Drupal.

  • Simple plan: 0.99 ? per month.
  • Premium Plan: 2.59 euros per month.
  • Business plan: 23.66 euros per month.

HostGator offers one of the best hosting in the market due to the experience and quality they offer to all interested users. They have a specialized hosting service with this high quality manager. The prices in their plans are the following:

  • Hatchling – £3.61.
  • Personal – 4.35 euros per month.
  • Baby – 5.44 euros per month.
  • Business – £5.44 per month.

BlueHost is another web service provider that knows how useful Drupal is to users. Because of this BlueHost has made sure of the correct functioning of this very good CMS in its hosting. The prices in their plans are:

  • Basic 3.59 euros per month.drupal descuentos cms hosting
  • Plus 5.41 euros per month.
  • Choice Plus 5.41 per month.
  • Pro 16.69 per month.

2. Promotions

The promotions offered by the hosting providers. These are benefits they give you for your web project. Whether they are reduced payment costs or specific features totally free. The promotions available for this manager are:


  • Business Startup 74% discount.
  • Business Professional 78% discount.
  • Business Enterprise: 79% discount.


  • Hatchling Plan: 60% discount.
  • Personal Plan 60% discount.
  • Baby Plan: 60% discount.
  • Business Plan 60% discount.


  • Basic 50% off.
  • Plus 45% discount.
  • Choice Plus 60% discount.
  • Pro 40% discount.

3. Payment Methods

We recommend you to know which are the payment methods in the hosting providers you are interested in. You should always know this information, because they may not have the payment method you are looking for.

The payment methods available with Hostinger are

este gestor cms pago

  • Paypal.
  • Visa.
  • MasterCard.
  • American Express.
  • Discover Card.
  • Sofort.
  • Bitcoin.
  • Ethereum
  • Other crypto currencies.

These are the payment methods available in HostGator:

  • MasterCard
  • Visa
  • American Express
  • Webpay

Payment methods available at BlueHost:

  • Basic 50% off.
  • Plus 45% discount.
  • Choice Plus 60% discount.
  • Pro 40% discount.
Hosting Price Promotions
Hostinger From 7.45 euros per month to 27.45 euros per month From 50% to 70% discount
HostGator From 3.61 euros per month to 5.44 euros per month 60% on all your available hosting plans
BlueHost From 3.59 euros per month, up to 16.69 euros per month From 40%, up to 60% discount

How to Install a Drupal Hosting for your Website

Installing Drupal in your will be very easy. The first thing to do is to download this manager from its official website. After downloading Drupal unzip the file. Rename the folder to your liking. Copy the folder and go to the “htdocs” folder and there paste the folder.

Instalar este gestor en vuestra será muy fácil, lo primero será descargar Drupal desde su página oficial

You must create a database where your Drupal project will be connected and save all the settings. We recommend you to get assistance from the technical support of your hosting provider.

The next thing you need to do is to write in your browser, “localhost/drupal8”. Press enter and a simple Drupal interface will appear. You must click on “save and continue”

You will see 2 options available for installation, “standard” and “minimum”. We recommend in this case that if you have no idea of the subject that you select the standard option. This will install Drupal with the most common features.

After this you will be able to configure the database. You place the name and password of the database you have created for Drupal. Click on “save and continue”, and it will start installing automatically after this.

Now, with a drupal hosting all this is greatly simplified, since most of them come with the necessary tools pre-installed so that, even if you don’t know about it, you won’t have any problem installing.

All set! Once you have completed these steps, you can start using your Hosting for this country in the best possible way. In case you have any problems in the process, you can contact your provider’s customer service department which will give you quick and accurate answers.

Drupal Hosting Reviews

Due to the large amount of Drupal hosting that exists, opinions are very varied depending on what each user has used. Below, you can read the opinions of Drupal users, so you can know if it is the right tool for your website:

“I’m delighted with my Drupal hosting, I’ve always wanted a simple and straightforward manager and Drupal fulfills that perfectly. For me, it is totally recommended for all types of users”.

“I was a bit hesitant about which manager to choose until I discovered Drupal, which for me is the easiest service to use. Also, my hosting provider gave me all the support I needed to install it.

“If you don’t know which content manager to select and don’t want to make your life too complicated, I strongly recommend using Drupal. A friend recommended it to me and it has been very useful and easy to use”.

Drupal Web Hosting Conclusion

Drupal is a very useful and easily accessible CMS or content management system for all users who are interested in developing quality websites. Due to the immense variation between all users who use Drupal. This system has adapted over time to each of the demands of users. Drupal offers you the possibility to create a different and unique website.

este gestor es un CMS o un gestor de contenido muy útil y de fácil acceso

Unlike other CMS in the web market. Drupal offers you the possibility to develop most of the necessary elements within the same CMS. Without the need to download external plugins.

Drupal is virtually perfect for anyone starting out in the world of web development. Thanks to its user-friendly and intuitive interface you will be able to manage your site. Totally to your tastes and requirements.

Thanks to the already easy to use Drupal content manager, using a good hosting to host your project on the net can be even more beneficial. The features they offer, such as the location of the servers, the loading speed, the availability of the server and the quality of the technical support will make everything much easier for you.

Frequently Asked Questions about Drupal Hosting

➡️ Can you create applications with Drupal hosting?

Yes, and this is because this CMS has the ability to create applications for your website. You can optimize your website to your liking due to the benefits that Drupal provides you with on your website. With a Drupal hosting it will be even easier.

⌛ Can Drupal Hosting Work with Windows?

Yes, this is one of the best features of Drupal itself. It gives you the possibility to work on this operating system. Even so, if you want to get all the potential that Drupal can give you for your web, we recommend you to work with Linux. You can find Drupal hosting specialized in different operating systems or valid for any of them.

❤️ Is it difficult to install a Drupal Hosting to manage my website?

Not at all. On the contrary, it is extremely easy to install. Just like Drupal hosting. Simplicity is one of its main features. Many hosts come with a manual to make the process even easier.

✌️ Why is it Important to have a Drupal Hosting on your website?

It is important to have Drupal on your website because of all the benefits it brings to websites managed by this system. With Drupal you will have at your disposal a series of useful tools in the creation of your web project. If we add to this having a Drupal hosting, your project will be even better.

⚡ Is Drupal a Free CMS? What about Drupal Hosting?

Yes, Drupal is a totally free CMS that provides all new users with a free CMS. The possibility of having a high quality CMS at no cost. It will be important at the beginning of any project to have the best quality at the lowest possible price. For this reason and for the guaranteed quality of this service.

Drupal hosting, on the other hand, is mainly paid. You will find them at many prices and with different promotions according to the plan your project needs.

So far, the analysis of one of the most recommended and popular CMS on the market and the hosting for it. We recommend you to continue in the search of knowledge within our web Hosting Victory.

You will be able to acquire useful knowledge about hosting for your project within our website. As you know, we have the best CMS on the market today.

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